
So this must be the beginning of my post to sell some art for real. I like what this website offers, we will see what happens. My request to all of you that have time and subscribe to my blog, please leave me some feed back. Let me know what I can do to improve, pass some knowledge, some suggestions. I am yearning to grow. Thank you for taking time to visit, read, God Bless you and your talents, your family.




The rubbing of clock hands against time, pulling forward the hour that is no longer available
Hard hitting echoes that mimick footsteps among fearful ears in the dark.
These leaves change color in a silent burst of excitment, anticipating the fellowship of the cornea and light. Dragging forth the bark of dark clouds upon pastel sunsets. Changing the dimly lit comfort of our day into a turbulent night.
Holding onto the chatter of breath through thinly parted lips, etching upon dancing veiled elements in the space between it all. A climatic, passionate, history…written in skin.
Jdj 2015